First Name: David
Last Name: Gerdolle
Born: 1970.05.28 in Epinal (France)
Nationality: French/Swiss
Professional address: Grand Rue 90, 1820 Montreux (Switzerland)
Phone (office): + 41 21 969 00 33
Web site:
Dental Surgeon, private practice. Montreux (Switzerland)
1993 Dental Surgeon Diploma. University of Nancy I (France)
Thesis Purpose : magnetic resonance imaging of the temporo-mandibular joint
1995 Master’s degree in biological and medical sciences, Faculty of medicine of Nancy, France
1996 One-year post graduate diploma in removal full Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry of Nancy,, France
1996 One-year post graduate diploma in forensic evidence training, Faculty of medicine of Montpellier, France
1997 One-year post graduate diploma in removable partial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry of Nancy, France
1999 One-year post graduate diploma in fixed Prosthodontics, School of dentistry of Nancy, France
2001 Master Science: oral and osseous biology, biomaterials and bioengineering, School of Dentistry of Paris (Montrouge), France
Thesis purpose: microleakage of dental luting cement in adhesive dentistry
2003 One-year post graduate diploma in forensic evidence training, Faculty of medicine of Nancy, France
2010 European Certificate of Oral Implantology. Gothenburg (Sweden)
1993-1996 Research Fellow, Prosthodontics Department, School of Dentistry of Nancy, (France)
1996-2005 Lecturer in Prosthodontics and Biomaterials Departments, School of Dentistry of Nancy (France)
2007-2012 Responsible for postgraduate training of adhesive and aesthetic dentistry, Generation Implant Association, Nice (France).
2011-2022 Responsible for postgraduate training of adhesive and biomimetic dentistry, Garancière University, Paris (France).
2013-present Member of Bio_Emulation Group
2013-present Member of the International Academy of Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD)
2013-present Certified Instructor of the ABC (Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry)
2019-present Member of the EADD (European Academy of Digital Dentistry))
1993-2005 Private Practice, Nancy (France)
2005-2010 Private Practice, Vevey (Switzerland)
2011-present Private Practice, Montreux (Switzerland)
6.1- Original articles published in newspapers with editorial policy
Gerdolle D, Browet S., Gresnigt M
Clinical evaluation of rubberdam tension on the accuracy of intra oral scans
Int J Esthet Dent, in press 2025
Gerdolle D, Browet S., Gresnigt M
The multi-luting concept: a new approach to facilitate the adhesive luting of multiple indirect restorations
Swiss Dental Journal, 2024
Gerdolle D, Browet S., Gresnigt M
The digital impression under rubber dam: clinical insights for an accurate scan
BioMateriaux Cliniques, 2023
Gerdolle D, Martin G
Vertical preparation for crowns: a 10 point overview
BioMateriaux Cliniques, 2023
Gerdolle D, Browet S., Gresnigt M
Digitaal afdrukken onder rubberdam: klinische inzichten voor een nauwkeurige scanThe digital impression under rubber dam: clinical insights for an accurate scan
NTVT, 2023 (article in Dutch)
Gerdolle D, Browet S., Gresnigt M
Pérennité des restaurations indirectes collées : le « no-finishing concept »
Swiss Dental Journal, 2022 (article in French and in German).
Pacquet W., Delabarre C., Browet S., Gerdolle D.
Therapeutic strategy for cracked teeth
Int J Esthet Dent, 2022

Bresser R.A., van de Geer L., D. Gerdolle D., Schepke U., M.S. Cune M.S., Gresnigt M
Influence of Deep Margin Elevation and preparation design on the fracture strength of indirectly restored molars
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2020
Zago Naves L., Gerdolle D., Scopin O., Gresnigt M.
Seeing is believing ? When scanning electron microscopy (SEM) meets clinical dentistry: The replica technique
Microsc Res Tech, 2020
Bresser R.A., Gerdolle D., van den Heijkant I.A., Sluiter-Pouwels L.M.A., M.S. Cune M.S., Gresnigt M
Up to 12 years clinical evaluation of 197 partial indirect restorations with deep margin elevation in the posterior region J Dent, 2019
Gerdolle D, Browet S.
Isolation et lesions cervicales : stratégie et solutions cliniques
Swiss Dental Journal, 2019. (article in French and in German).
Gerdolle D, Fabianelli A
A Biomimetic Approach for achieving esthetic outcomes in severely damaged teeth
J Cosmetic Dent, 33(4): 18-30, winter 2018
Gerdolle D
The secrets of isolation. Part 5: techniques for posterior teeth
BioMateriaux Cliniques vol 3, n°1:2-6, Mars 2018. (article in French).
Gerdolle D
The secrets of isolation. Part 4: techniques for posterior teeth
BioMateriaux Cliniques vol 2, n°2:2-6, Octobre 2017. (article in French)
Gerdolle D
The secrets of isolation. Part 3: strategy to success
BioMateriaux Cliniques vol 2, n°1:2-4, Mars 2017. (article in French)
Browet S., Gerdolle D
Precision and security in restorative dentistry, the synergy of isolation and magnification
Int J Esthet Dent, 12(2):172-185, 2017.
Gerdolle D
The secrets of isolation. Part 2: dental floss, retraction cords and teflon tape
BioMateriaux Cliniques vol 1, n°2:58-61, October 2016. (article in French)
Gerdolle D
The secrets of isolation. Part 1: rubber sheets, punch, frame, clamps, forceps
BioMateriaux Cliniques vol 1, n°1:2-4, March 2016. (article in French)
Gerdolle D, Mortier E, Richard A., Vailati F
Full-month adhesive rehabilitation in case of amelogenesis imperfecta: a 5year follow-up case report.
Int J Esthet Dent 10(1):12-31, 2015.
Gerdolle D, Drossard M, Bazos P
Changes in the shapes of preparations for Inlays/onlays in the maxilla
Real. Clin: 25(4):13-32, 2014. (article in French)
Balthazard R , Jager S, Engels-Deutsch M, Dahoun A, Gerdolle D, Mortier E.
High-resolution tomography study of the porosity of three restorative composite resins used in dentistry
Clin Oral Investig, 28 (nov), 2013
Mortier E., Jager S., Gerdolle D., Dahoun A.
Influence of filler amount on water sorption and solubility of three experimental flowable composite resins.
J Mat Sc Engineering with Advanced Technology 7(1):37-48, 2013.
Mortier E., Jager S., Gerdolle D., Dahoun A.,
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy: application to the observation of dental mineralised tissues
Actual. Odont. Stomatol. 254: 221-229, 2011. (article in French).
Mortier E. Simon Y., Dahoun A., Gerdolle D.
Influence of curing mode with a LED unit on polymerization contraction kinetics and degree of conversion of dental resin-based materials.
J Dent Child (Chic) 76(2):149-55, 2009.
Gerdolle D.A., Mortier E., Jacquot B., Panighi M.M.
Water sorption and water solubility of current luting cements: an in vitro study.
Quintessence Int 39(3):e107-14, 2008.
Gerdolle D.A., Mortier E., Droz D.
Microleakage and polymerization shrinkage of various polymer restorative materials.
J Dent Child (Chic) 75(2):125-33, 2008.
Simon Y, Mortier E., Dahoun A., Gerdolle D.
Video-controlled characterization of polymerization shrinkage in light-cured dental composites.
Polymer Testing 27:717–721, 2008.
Gerdolle D, Liberman J, Heinbach L, Missika P
Streamlining and simplifying the treatment plan in implant dentistry
Revue d’Odonto Stomatologie 35 (3):183-195, 2006 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D.A., Mortier E., Loos-Ayav C. Jacquot B., Panighi M.M.
In vitro evaluation of microleakage of indirect composite inlays cemented with four luting agents.
J Prosthet Dent 93(6):563-70, 2005. (IF 1.327)
Mortier E., Gerdolle D.A., Dahoun A., Panighi M.M.
Influence of initial water content on the subsequent water sorption and solubility behavior in restorative polymers.
Am J Dent 18(3):177-81, 2005. (IF 1.717)
Mortier E., Gerdolle D.A., Jacquot B. Panighi M.M.
Importance of water sorption and solubility studies for couple bonding agent--resin-based filling material.
Oper Dent 29(6):669-76, 2004.
6.2- Other Articles
Gerdolle D.
MRI of the TMJ: differential diagnosis of the internal derangements.
Inf. Dent., 8, 1403-1410, 1995. (Article in French)
Gerdolle D.
MRI and CT of the TMJ: differential diagnosis of the craniomandibular disorders. Part I: internal derangements of the TMJ
European Dental Magazine, le Monde Dentaire, 86, 12-16, 1998 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D.
MRI and CT of the TMJ: differential diagnosis of the craniomandibular diseases. Part II: traumas, degenerative changes, rheumatic and neoplastic diseases or the diagnosis traps
European Dental Magazine, le Monde Dentaire, 88, 5-8, 1998 (Article in French)
Voiry J.G., Archien C., Gerdolle D., Babel L., Louis J.P.
Global prosthetic rehabilitation : the occlusal challenge
Encycl Méd Chir (Elsevier, Paris), Odontologie, 23-265-C-10, 1998, 8p (Article in French)
Gerdolle D.
Primary and secondary indications of occlusal rehabilitation in the craniomandibular disorders
European Dental Magazine, le Monde Dentaire, 92, 5-10, 1999 (Article in French)
Gerdolle C., Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Occlusion, craniomandibular disorders and orthodontic treatments
European Dental Magazine, le Monde Dentaire, 106, 6-11, 2001 (Article in French)
Mortier E., Droz DA., Gerdolle D.
Local and regional dental anesthesia
Réalités Cliniques vol. 12, n°1, 35-46, 2001 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E., Jacquot B., Panighi M.
Microleakage of four dental luting cements: an in vitro study
J. Biomat. Dent. , 17, 110-113, 2002 (Article in French)
Mortier E., Gerdolle D., Jacquot B., Panighi M.
Watersorption and solubility of resin-based restorative dental materials : an in vitro study
J. Biomat. Dent. , 17, 67-70, 2002 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Ceramic dental inlays : the bonding procedures
Clinic, 2, 77-85, 2003 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Free hand bonding of the resin-based restorative materials: the clinical handling of self-etch adhesive systems
Clinic, 4, 231-240, 2003 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E. Morel P.
Improvements in prosthodontics: a clinical evaluation of new vinyl polysiloxane impression materials
Clinic, 10, 655-665, 2003 (Article in French)
Morel P., Gerdolle D.
A critical analysis of the anterior dental ceramics
Tech Dent, 215, 27-36, 2004 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Vinyl polysiloxane impression materials in fixed prosthodontics: an update on clinical use
European Dental Magazine, le Monde Dentaire, 127, 12-17, 2004 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Liberman J, Misska P
Impressions for implant dentistry: the clinical handling
J Soc Odontol Paris, 6, 18-21, 2005 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Liberman J, Mortier E.
The evolution of impression technics for implant dentistry. Part I : the clinical aspects
Implantologie, 2, 39-54, 2005 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Liberman J, Mortier E.
The evolution of impression technics for implant dentistry. Part II: the laboratory aspects
Implantologie 3, 13-20, 2005 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Debelle L
Accuitomo 3D : a new trend in dental imaging
Information Dentaire 88(14):773/777, 2006 (Article in French)
Gerdolle D., Lorch F, Mortier E.
Composite and ceramic Inlays: Clinical Procedures for Predictable Results
Clinic, 31 : 1-10, 2010 (Article in French)
Mortier E., Roche X, Gerdolle D.
Is amalgam still an accurate material in restorative dentistry ?
Le Chirurgien Dentiste de France 1457:1-10, 2010. (article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Aesthetic Indirect posterior restorations. Part 1: Indications et préparations
Dentoscope 79/10, 2011. (article in French)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Aesthetic Indirect posterior restorations. Part 2: the luting appointment
Dentoscope 79/19, 2011. (article in French) collage-cas-clinique.htm
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.., Jacquot B., Panighi M.M.
Water sorption and solubility of current luting cements: an in-vitro study
Quintessence International 9(7):865-872, 2011. (article in Croatian)
Gerdolle D., Mortier E.
Restorative dentistry and intraosseous anesthesia: clinical applications (Implementation QuickSleeper S4 ®)
Le Fil Dentaire n°71, 2012 (article in French)
Gerdolle D.
Posterior Indirect Restorations: the BioEmulation Approach
Up-to-Date Magazine, n°4, 47-53, August 2016
Gerdolle D.
Quelle stratégie d’isolation pour les lesions cervicales ?
Alpha Omega News, n°24, 14, Mars 2019
6.3- Published Text Book
Rozencweig D., Gerdolle D., Delgoffe. C.
MRI of the TMJ: differential diagnosis of the internal derangements.
Edition CDP, Paris (France), 90p., 1995 (Book in French)
Gerdolle D.
Management of traumatic injuries to children’s and young adult’s teeth
In: Dental Traumatic injuries, Naulin-Iffi C. éd. Cdp, 2016 (Book in French)
Jacquot B, Bonnafous D., Gerdolle D., Mainjot A.
Biomaterials in fixed prosthodontics, a clinical insight
In: Fixed Prosthodontics on natural teeth, Walter B. éd. JPIO, 2017 (Book in French)